
North Shore Wildlife Sanctuary is planning to have a very active year in 2025. Activities will include Volunteer Work Days, Volunteer Appreciation Days, Guided Tours of the preserves, a Spring fundraiser, and a series of guests who will lecture on issues and situations which are important to our community and our properties. Check this page for updates and information.

Get to know our Volunteers

NSWS will continue to host "Get to know our Volunteers" Days throughout the year. The first date was April 20 and additional dates are listed below. The dates are also posted on the Volunteer page. Please go to the Volunteers section to sign up for a date you prefer to participate and watch this page for updates regarding any changes in dates, times, projects, or venues.

The dates for these events in 2024 are...

  • Saturday, June 15
  • Saturday, July 20
  • Saturday, August 17
  • Saturday, September 21
  • Saturday, October 19

Volunteers will meet in the Coffin Woods parking lot at 10am.
The lot is located above the Warden Residence at 90 Oyster Bay Road.
Each event will end no later than 3pm.
Refreshments and light snacks will be provided.

The day will focus on light work such as removal of invasives, pruning on trails, pulling ivy and vines, and picking up litter on trails.
There might be some plants to install around the parking lot.
There might be some trail markers to install.
Ambitious volunteers might be enlisted to move wheelbarrow loads of mulch to spread on the trails.
Depending on how many people show up, some volunteers might be assigned to do the same work in Shu Swamp which is nearby.

We appreciate your interest and look forward to seeing you in the preserves.

May 23rd

Mark your calendar to attend the NSWS Spring Gala.
Click here to download the event flier!
DATE: Thursday, May 23rd (4-9pm)
LOCATION: Mill River Rod and Gun Club, 5 West Harbor Drive, Bayville, NY 11709

There will be catered food and beverages, door prizes and raffles, a silent auction, and speakers. The cost to attend is $100 per person ($125 at the door). Tickets can be purchased here.

Please contact us at [email protected] if you would like to make a donation or help sponsor this event.

We look forward to seeing you at this lovely location to share stories and memories while enjoying some fine food and beverages on the shore of Oyster Bay.

Past Events

April 1st, 2023

Come visit the NSWS table at the Cold Spring Harbor Library Environmental Fair (2-4pm). There will be information regarding NSWS and its history, the status of the preserves, opportunities to participate in Volunteer Day projects, and future events such as lectures and guided walks. There will be many other conservation and environmental groups attending this fair (

Cold Spring Harbor Library hosted a spring Environmental Fair on Saturday, April 1st. The event featured local conservation organizations as well as a few organizations with national profiles which have local chapters such as the Sierra Club. While many attendees were younger (under 12), there were more than a few adults. Some were already familiar with NSWS but some who were not expressed interest in supporting our work.
As shown in the accompanying pictures, NSWS was well represented with volunteers, exhibits, and information. Carol Johnston and Ann Lotowycz compiled a quiz for visitors to complete (quiz and answers are posted after the photos). Rob Deans compiled several photos (seen on the background) and informative material to distribute to interested parties. Tom Hornosky and Brendan Tully were also present and engaged with those who inquired about our preserves.

Photo from Event   Photo from Event

North Shore Wildlife Sanctuary Quiz
North Shore Wildlife Sanctuary Answer Key